Monday, April 16, 2007

Still getting up early. I have not made the shift yet back to reality. So I blog. Had a great weekend. My in-laws 40th wedding anniversary. Many aunts and uncles. We played hours of double-deck penuckle. If was good weekend. I have many family members asking me about how the test went. I was telling them the same story as the previous post. I have mixed feelings.

This morning I looked up 2 more questions from the test. This brings the count to a total of 4 that I have looked up that I believe were not in the books on the reading list. The two questions I looked up today were O***/Cl*** ****** and Fr*** B***. These were object oriented questions so that narrows it to a few books on the reading list. They either have to be in the "Java Programming and Concurrency" section, the "Object Oriented Modeling section" or the "Object Oriented Design and Architecture" section. I already know that they are not in any of these books. Anyway, this is how my thought process went. Lets start with the book on Java Programming it is to basic to have this kind of stuff in it but lets try anyway. Nope, not in that book. Lets look in "Concurrent Programming in Java". Nope, to specialized. Well there is a paragraph under re-usability on o*** and c*** systems. I understand this principal but did not get this idea from the question. It would have been a shame to miss this question because of how it was worded. Anyway I dismissed this as a topic for a question because Lea mentions this in passing not as a topic. I am still looking of the Fr*** B*** question answer location in the reading list.

Off to swim.