Thursday, April 12, 2007

It has been a good day. I have fixed about 60 typos in the my web notes. I put up the new phone state machine. I also found that I had missed a significant piece of my notes in the website. The Chidamber and Kemerer OO metrics and the data from the Critique of Software Defect Models paper. I put them on the OO page but maybe they should have gotten there own page. I will fix this sometime in the future. I just wanted to have them in my printouts. It was easiest to just put them in an existing page rather than make a whole new one. So there is where they are right now. It is right that I have up that data. It completes the reading list material. I also added the notes from the Test Data Adequacy Criteria paper. I put it on the testing page. That is appropriate. I have updated my printouts.

Wife and son went to the mall to get out of my hair. It is now just before 8pm. We should have stared my son`s bed time activities 30 minutes ago. I hope everything is OK. Kind of scared the guys at the oil change place messed with the throttle cable. I hope she is going to be home soon. This kind of disrupts my study. It would have been bad either way. If they were here it would have been the same disruption.

Start working again on the mnemonics. I am going to skip my swim tomorrow. Traveling down town. Don`t want to have any problems.