Thursday, April 26, 2007

I have been working on the report for a few days now. I have organized my thoughts around my research and what I will be doing going forward. For the history I have prepared a timeline of what incidents have happend since the 2005 test. The appeal, the doctor, the review of tests, study and study group are all part of the timeline. I am working to tell a story about the last year. I will publish my timeline here upon sending my report before the 5th. This has been sort of a big undertaking. I find it very important to tell my story acuratly and without biased, just the facts. So the timeline dates and my experiences are taken direclty from my emails and logs. Often times I used the exact words used in the emails. I am nearly finished. What is left to do is write the meat of the paper. Since this is possibly my last celebration if I don`t have a favorable outcome to the test I want to say it perfectly. I have spent 8 months or more on the chosen research topic before the distraction of failing the second exam and subsuquent giration to stay in school. Nothing has changed about the research. My feelings about the department and how best to complete the degree have been in flux. I still believe I have a great topic. I still believe that I have a great plan. I just need to continue. The lack of interest in my topic and plan by others should be no reflection on my intentions. Until I am able to produce the vocabulary in the right context to describe my research others will be confused and bewildered. That is just how it is going to be. Understanding is what the PhD is all about. If they don`t understand it is not nescesarrily that you are wrong you may just not be complete yet. Being complete is a function of bandwidth and execution. If you are set on paths that are less than fruitful because of requirments you should not be held accountable for a delay. I am a part time student. I can only work on this so many hours. Since September I have done something every single day for at least 2-4 hours. I work out for 1-2 more and attend work for 9 more hours. At a minimum that leaves only 8 hours for sleeping and eating. So you know I am getting less than that for sleeping. I don`t know how I can do better than that. I do have a family. Generally, in my research at my work I work more than 8 hours and 1 hour of travel so I really am quite a juggler. I don`t really have time for much in the way of academic publications. As I have said before, these activities are a must with my learning disability. I have to study longer and work out harder to maintain a level of excellence. So it is a matter of execution and bandwith.