Thursday, April 12, 2007

It is early in the morning on the day before the test. I have been reviewing. I noticed a question that had to do with architecture. I have had some problems with how this question is worded. See my previous posts. Anyway, I have in my notes a number of things that pertain to this question but not to it in the way it is worded. Since I felt so uneasy about it I decided to add a section to my website that just took those parts of my notes that were pertinent in some way and add them to the bottom of the question. I have some precedence of doing this kind of thing. So I decided to add the information. I took the information for various places in my notes and organized them around architecture. This was the drive in the question. The question almost ask about personal opinion but you know how I hate to answer any of these questions with personal option. See my previous posts. Anyway, I organized different parts of my notes into a coherent single document and added it below the question with a quick line about "These were from my notes". Hopefully the questions on tomorrows test are not as badly worded. A question this badly worded does not clue me into what is really wanted and I have trouble accessing the correct information in my memory. Just look at this one. It took me until the very last day to do this. If this is what they want on the question I would have missed it. Anyway, having done this exercise I have linked the revised architecture answer document to this question. Hopefully it will not be a problem. Hmmm, lets see it has been a problem for the years that I have been doing this thing. My instructor could not even clue me into this kind of answer. It all started with an implication...."Do you mean ....measuring?" The guys in the study group got this one wrong if this is the kind of answer they really want. It is a shame. I know the guys in the study group may not be able to talk about specific methods but I think that intuitively they know questioning/measuring thing. I wish that I knew the real answer.

I spent yesterday reviewing before my swim. It was a good swim. One of the guys that came after I started 4 years ago, we had a little race of sorts. I held him off for several laps until he pulled ahead on one lap and stopped. I continued right through his stop and went on to complete my normal 45 minute workout. It felt really good to be able to push him that hard. I am becoming a better swimmer.

Yesterday, was a tough day at work. I had gotten the email back from the PLuS program explaining the arrangements for tomorrow. It made me feel good that she was prepared for me to come and do this thing. A day later, yesterday, the director of graduate advisement passed a contradictory email about the accommodations to me and her. They don`t seem to have a handle on the situation. The way I understand it from the PLuS program director, "What the PLuS program says is what goes." At an rate, I will do what the administration asks. They don`t really have their act together. They probably have never been in this situation before. It is OK. If I decided to do something about the unfamiliar way they are handling the problem it would be a good excuse but probably not good enough. Anyway, I don`t think there is going to be any problem. I know this stuff. My website says so. I have read every shred of literature they have ask me to, multiple times for this test and others. I know all the contradictions. I know every mistake they ever made in formulating the tests. I have documented them all in this blog. I expect to pass.

Today I will spend the day looking over my notes and trying to put to memory the lists that are in them. From the lists put to memory I can then link those lists to the memories of the entire body of knowledge. I just have to get the organization right. It is like figuring out what street to go down to get to a house in a culdesac. After you get to the house everything in the house is at your disposal. You know how the house is laid out and you can get to anything in any of the rooms. You just have to get down the right street. This is a technique used by Socrates when doing public speaking. He would walk into a room in his mind and pick up objects in the room that would clue him into the right memory to talk about. He just had to enter the right room. For me I have a paper or book represented as a color cover layout. I know that the Larmen book is a white cover with green letters. I know the title by looking at the book on the floor next to my desk in my mind. I can get to the information on architecture because it is a chapter in the 30`s, I think chapter 33. I remember a page where the text on the left side of the page was talking about a document. That document was not happy it was the SAD document. That is how I remember stuff.

I have done this with all sorts of memories about this test. The rooms come in several sorts; folders on my PC, pages in my subject notebooks, the actual books themselves. It works. It is reported that Socrates would speak for several hours continuously. He could repeat the same speech several times for different audiences giving the same information in the same way. It works fairly well for teaching he found out. I think that for modern day teachers to use this method it is more difficult. There is to much variability in the students and students are disruptive. In Socrates day, students wanted to be there and came from several miles just to listen. If they were unruly they were ask to leave forever. If they could not keep up they were ask to leave forever. Try that in your classroom.

This will probably be my last post before the test tomorrow. I will continue if I pass and not continue if I don`t.