Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I have one more question to finish from the September 2004 exam. The question is on concurrency. This is similar to other years. On the years that don`t have this question they have the deadlock question. This year has sub questions on safety and liveness. This is the question I have had trouble with in the past because the wording of the question talks about pessimistic, baulking strategy. As I remember the 2 terms did not go together some how for me. When I review the question tomorrow we will see what I thought the trouble was. Look for an update tomorrow.

Today I accomplished putting part C from the Formal Specifications and Modeling question. This is from the same exam. It is the same question as other years except on other years part B was removed and part C became B. To reiterate this question was on the 2004 exam. I was able to do this pretty well. I didn`t remember how to reference and instance variable whether you reference it with the context of the super class or the subclass when you want to put a stipulation on the subclass that is manifested in the instance variable of the superclass. This turns out to be beautifully written up in the advanced section of "The Object Constraint Language Second Edition" by Jos Warmer and Anneke Kleppe. After taking a look at that page it was easy to get the write OCL statements. There may be an easier way to represent the types of a faculty member but I chose the subclasses because I thought that it would be more like real life. I just would not rather put up an answer just to have it answered. These questions mean something to me. It shows that I really can do this stuff. You don`t know how many times I have heard from a teacher that "You just did not study." Well often times I studied maybe 5 times as much as the other students. I admit there are some things that do come easily to me because I think different. Some things I have and advantage that other don`t have. My advantage is in speed or accuracy. I it just when I don`t have an advantage that the deficiency is great and the effort is great to overcome it. Anyway, this question is done and the answer and the memory are in my notebooks for maybe the 2nd or 3rd time.

I showed my website to one of my coworkers who has a son that is learning disabled similarly to me. He and others that see my website cannot believe that the administration would not see the PhD qualities in myself. He said that they have to pass you even if your test is not exactly the best. You have legal grounds that show that their test just is incapable of testing your abilities. Just look at your career. You are in a very small percentage of individuals as far as their careers. I guess that I agree I told him. I have difficulty showing them. He says that I should remember that this is just an artificial hoop. Thanks I said.

People don`t always see it this way. My father at times does not see it this way. He does keep me going. He says that you can do just as well as anyone. But, why do you put yourself through such pain. You have nothing to prove. I guess I don`t. It is not an issue of money, success or anything else like that. It is the helping of people and the not waisting my skills. But, to not waist my skills I must often have the credentials to get my foot in the door. I have already gone beyond the foot in the door stage while trying to get my credentials but it seems fitting to finish. I will keep it up. They will have to kick me out first. Even then I may not give up. It "is" something to do. If I was anyone else I would have quit when they told my parents I would never go to college. But, I didn`t because they never quit on me. I even continued even when they thought I was done. Because, I have not done what I came here to do yet even though I don`t know what that is yet. God will tell me someday.