Saturday, February 03, 2007

Looks like I am in with teaching for spring quarter. I did the lecture and they liked it. Curt the professor I am working through to get this job ask if I would be interested in teaching multiple sections. I really need the money and it would be good to get the experience. So I said yes. We will have to see if I get multiple sessions.

I have had trouble getting studying done this week. With my wife and son being sick I have had to take care of them. I have still found some time to study.

I have been looking at OCL and UML. It appears as if all the tools out there do not implement all parts of these specifications. For instance you cannot mark a derived attribute with a forward slash similar to how you would otherwise mark and attribute with its visibility...-private, +public, #protected, ~package. It seems to be in the OCL book and in my latest UML books but not in any drawing tool that I know. It has also been hard to draw a class association between two classes. The association would be a solid line between two classes and a dotted line from the association line to the class that represents the association. It does not appear as if you can do this in the tools that I have tried. I have looked at UML an OCL deeper than I have in the past. I expect that this is what is needed for the test.

Tomorrow is my study group meeting. It is a review for most of them. It is over software testing. Some of these guys are testers in large organizations and they think that they know a thing or two about testing. The questions I had in the past about "Equivalence Term Testing" I ask them and they had to go elsewhere to get the answers. We will see how comprehensive tomorrow will be.