Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I just completed looking at 2 more questions in the exam examples. The questions asks about formal specifications and asks you to define suitable predicates and functions to represent basic elements of concepts in some requirements. I made an attempt today and mailed the results to the study group. I wanted to see if they could refute my answers. It will be good to see what they say. Since I feel that there are multiple possible right answers I feel that seeing what they come up with may aid in my understanding. There may be a better way to do some of these.

My son is sick again. I hope that this flu season goes quickly. This cold spell of single digit temps does not help him get well. It was difficult to get him to go to bed last night. My wife was a big help. It seems that I go to bed as stranger and stranger times these days so that I can continue to study when others are asleep. My wife has been a big help. I am diligent at spending time with my son so that I am not completely absent from his life during this study period. I end up sleeping less when he is asleep and studying more at that time. He still sleeps for 10-12 hours a night. Although he is getting up more now to go to the bathroom. I have to be quiet at that time so he does not know I am awake otherwise he would be in here.

I was reading today also that OCL has special business modeling syntax. This syntax comes as a result that OCL is said by some to be too difficult. So an alternate syntax has been proposed that is more like SQL. I find this an interesting notion. OCL is to difficult to use some say. It seems like the usefulness of OCL is in question here. Business modelers are not able to use OCL to there advantage. Being precise has never been an attribute of business people..Ha..Ha. All this stuff is for better communications. If we cannot communicate to accomplish a task then the language is a waist of time. "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong, or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge , and I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing." An OCL syntax that is more like SQL seems less like it would be more of a help. I have heard the same things about SQL. Why is easy always a criteria. Shouldn`t it be..."recognizable by the any man." I still have trouble with this one. If OCL could be compared to Assembly language then I could understand that this is something that moves us along to a different level of abstraction i.e MDA. But, to say that this is an end user tool for communication...this stuff will never get used. It is a gyration that is only understandable by the programmer level and the programmer level will only give a business modeler what they ask for not usually what they want. We are learning the internals of compiler writing here. If we ever achieve ubiquitous MDA this exercise will be worthwhile. But, if it turns out that OCL and MDA is to be just another CORBA it is all a waist. I once heard a speaker say if you don`t know what CORBA is you don`t need it. This is a 2 faced answer, think about it. I think OCL and MDA are the same type of idea.