Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Today after an email and a voice mail to the DePaul PLuS program director I got an email reply that he sent a message to the Director of Advising to announce that I had contacted him. He let me know that he had sent the message today. This is one week since he responded to my email containing passed exams and the syllabus to the class that was supposed to teach Zed but didn't. The director of the PLuS program said he had not had time to review the information I sent him but would soon. His excuse was that it is midterm week and he had to work with several others in the program. It sounded like a plausable excuse. I continue to work through the zed examples from a book that was not on the Software Engineering reading list. It has some answers and it is the best way I have found to get some validation. Even though this is probably the 4th time I have done this review I still re-learn things every time. I am reviewing some set theory right now. Sometimes I feel like I am trying to learn things to win a game of trival persuit. Classical logic vs Formal Logic always gets me every time. I tend to hate the difference. You never see what way you should do your analysis you have to know that by context. I have such a hard time with recognizing context. Set theory...a large part of zed. ....chapter 2 of several. I know that it will help me. I just have to do this for the 4th time.