Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I am preparing to visit my adviser this Friday to review my past
exams. He doesn't seem like he wants this to happen. The PLuS
program director tried to contact my adviser to see if he had any
questions or wanted someone from PLuS to sit in on the meeting. My
adviser did not reply. Also in looking back over my emails again to
make sure I had not missed any action items for this Friday's meeting
I noticed that the PLuS program director had said at one point whom
had said that the usual route for reviewing the tests would be used
and I had no other alternative. Today I ask him for that persons
name. In parallel I continue the monumental task of learning things
for the test that were never taught in the classroom. Because of the
variability of this endeavor it seems impossible to cover all that
could be ask. I do have some clues in the study guide but for the
Software engineering test it is nothing but a long reading list of
books. It has not been effective to just read every book. I have
done that for the last couple of tests. I have other clues like some
of the past tests but I feel that the granularity of the large data
points makes knowing everything impossible. So I do my best to be
well rounded at as deep a level as I can. Since it has not been
effective in the past unless the test changes I have low hopes. But I
wont' quit. They will have to make me quit.