Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Had the flu last week and spent most of the time sleeping when I wasn't at work. As you remember I went to my adviser to see my past exams. He only had one of them. I contacted the head of graduate advising after the meeting and he said that he had given both exams to my adviser. I sent mail saying that I still wanted to see the other exam. My adviser refused. This is what he wrote after saying that it was to long since my other exam. "First, the other test was a quite long time ago, and second I believe we have reviewed that test before your second try. Furthermore, I have covered all the major deficiencies of you answers while reviewing your second test last Friday. I am afraid I have very little to add. So another review will not be productive. So as far as reviewing you previous tests is concerned, I believe we are done." I know that we have never reviewed any tests. The last time I went to see him he ask "Do you have the test with you." He very well knew he had to get the test from the head of advising. So after the message above I sent a mail saying that I still wanted to see the exam and that my adviser did not have to be the one showing it to me. At some later time I just passed on the review. My adviser seemed wounded in the process. I need not put that much anxiety in his life. That would not be the right thing to do. So I sent a message to the PLuS program directory to have a call today to discuss further directions. That is where we stand at this moment.