Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I have been eating to much. The holiday`s have kept me pretty stuffed. I have been going though the metrics part of the software engineering reading list. I have been through this part several times. I am going through it a bit more deeply this time. I have nearly read through the papers again an have been making notes along the way. One of the questions I missed on the exams was related to some author names in this section. I expect to be able to nail those questions this time around. I have the link to the authors names now in my memory. It should be easier to recall this information this time. This part of the present studying always stinks because it is painful for me to remember the memory of execution of the question on the past test and match it to the studied information prior to today, to late to exercise the previously learned information on the test that has already passed. I have this 20-20 hindsight problem frequently. The good part is new information gets linked in too.