Thursday, January 11, 2007

I found the information about "Mutation Analysis" in the original paper. The paper is called "Hints on Test Data Selection: Help for the Practicing". Programmer DeMillo, R.A. Lipton, R.J. Sayward, F.G. This paper appears in: Computer Publication Date: April 1978 Volume: 11, Issue: 4 On page(s): 34- 41 ISSN: 0018-9162 Posted online: 2006-07-06 09:21:47.0 I checked our library and because it is from 1978 we do not have it available. I put in a request for the paper but did not have a library ID number even though I can view the online version with my campus connect password. So I emailed the librarian asking for direction. I hope that this has the information I need. Even though I cannot read the actual paper yet. I wrote in my notes what I found in wikipedia. It seems complete but I want a more authoritative source. I really do believe that wikipedia has good data. I just want to make sure that the colloquial usage of this term is the same as the academic use of this term. I also found a paper with a definition of "Random Testing". It is different than my intuition. I did know about mapping of pseudo random numbers across the input domain. What I did`t know about was obtaining a reliability estimate by having the input distribution being across the expect software usage distribution rather than the entire domain of input. The expected software usage is call the "operational profile". The name of the paper is: "When only random testing will do." International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis archive Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on Random testing table of contents Portland, Maine SESSION: Session 1 table of contents Pages: 1 - 9 Year of Publication: 2006 ISBN:1-59593-457-X I have a definition of Basis Paths Testing from a government publication called: "A Method to Determine a Basis Set of Paths to Perform Program Testing." J. Poole, "NISTIR 5737 A Method to Determine a Basis Set of Paths to Perform Program Testing", Department of Commerce, November, 1995. These have been much more help than the reading list. The reading list does not have these exact terms. For instance on page 136 of the book suggested in the reading list a section called "Random Inputs" describes something like "Random Testing" but never says "Random Testing and does not talk about the "Operational Profile". I have found stuff on "cyclomatic complexity" and "Equivalence Partitioning" but still no "Equivalence Term Testing".