Tuesday, May 15, 2007

There were so many things that I have neglected during my study. We are expecting a new edition to our family in August. I can tell that my study has been a bit delayed. My desk is covered with books. The reason is that I have been cleaning a room in our house getting ready to move my son from the room that is the babies room. We need to fix some floor boards and lay new carpet, paint and get some furniture. Before we do that we need to get some things out of the way. That means me going through my endless array of books, notes, and saved papers. I also have a great deal of old equipment. I got rid of all of my old Sun equipment, recycled it through work. I may regret that but it is done now. If I do a networking dissertation I may want those extra machines. I neglected to go through the content also. There wasn`t any financial information or anything like that but I probably have gotten ride of some of the software that I have written in the past. At any rate I have had a great deal to clean.

Lab continues to be fruitful but in very small increments. My protocol EVDO Rev A enhancements have been working since December. The problem is that the lab infrastructure software is a moving target. The latest is a timer that keeps going off in the network that causes QOS reservations to not be granted. I have had things working in emulators since December. It is just a slow process. My client in an emulator has been talking to non QOS handsets off our server and talking to other emulators since last year. I have moved on to working on productizing until more tests are passing in the lab...when the infrastructure starts working better. I was told yesterday some good news that Qualcomm wants us in their lab in the near future...weeks away, not months. The HSUPA/HSDPA handsets are on hold but RevA may be the priority.

My father has been in a semi-retired working state for some time. He is a pharmacist and has been working in a small pharmacy to make extra money...actually a lot of extra money. This small town has a number of ADD people. So much that it prompted him to buy some books on the subject because a pharmacist has to be able to council patients on their medications. It has been good for him to start to study this condition. He has read many aspects of the condition and classifications of the condition. It is interesting because he has started to see the characteristics in my mother. Funny I have never thought that ADD was my label but some autistic spectrum disorder. ADD is what I was diagnosed as having. ADD and how it is acted upon by stress was the focus for my petition for taking the exam again. It is kind of funny to hear my father talk about things. He even said that one classification does not have a sense of smell. I have not had a sense of smell for as long as I can remember. He has always denied that I have had any condition. Maybe he is starting to understand or maybe he always thought that it would be better physiologically for me to think that he thought I was not affected. Anyway this past mothers day it came up. He showed me the books. These were very heavy books, not your usual Barnes and Knoble special. These were medical type books. Books I am sure he ordered. I am sure that this may even help him understand her better. It was a terribly stressful weekend with this kind of talk even though it was not very long...only over the course of an hour or so...partially dinner conversation. I am glad that it has become a subject of conversation. It is just painful to talk about in relation to me or my mother. Talking about someone else is easier.

I have neglected my website. I think that It will have to wait until I am finished with the babies room. I don`t have that much free time. It is important to keep up my workouts over the summer to avoid a depression. I need to find a place to swim in the morning. Only two more weeks to go. We really don`t have the money to join a health club with a pool. Three years of MWF, lets hope I don`t have to quit. Our park district stinks for dis-continuing the morning swim sessions. There is talk that they won`t start up again in the fall. I am running 5-6 miles at lunch with the guys from work. So MWF I do 2 workouts. It is really good for my head. I feel great. Vacation in 2 weeks. I cannot wait.

Still no word on my test results. I know that the graders must be involved in finals week. I hope for the results before I go on vacation.